Tuesday, November 20, 2007

He ain't even much hurt no one!

Isn't that the most popular thing to say when another silly piece of shit is forced to give up the ghost? There's always some cousin or neighbor or fellow hoodrat that comes out on the news speaking in the most miserable English dialect possible just to say something to that tune. "He was a good person, he ain't deserve to die!" Yeah, gobble a dick, "La Smiley." Every criminal is a fucking saint regardless of how many houses he robbed, the amount of drugs on his person, the fact that he had a gun in his hand... "He wasn't going to hurt no one!" Sure thing, "Lil Joker." Go enjoy the wake with the rest of your vatos.

I lack sympathy for criminals who meet their timely end doing the things they do.

Activists protest fatal shooting of two burglary suspects

(11/19/07 - KTRK/PASADENA, TX) - People have strong opinions about the
deadly shootings of two suspected burglars in Pasadena. On Monday, those who say
the men didn't deserve to die protested outside the neighbor's home.

Joe Horn, 61, has said he feared for his life when he shot and killed Diego
Ortiz and Miguel de Jesus last Wednesday. He said he saw them breaking into his
neighbor's home and when he went outside to confront them, they were fifteen
feet from his front door. So far, Horn has not been charged with any crime. And
that's why one group protested outside his Pasadena home.

"What gave someone the right to think they could kill someone in broad daylight and possibly not get prosecuted for it?" said Latiff Sally with the Millions More Movement outside Horn's home Monday.

While the group says it does not condone what the burglary suspects were doing, they do believe the shooting was racially charged. Neighbors we spoke with strongly disagree.

"Be patient. Learn the facts and if you want to speak to him, speak to him," said homeowner Nariman Abel.

We asked if this was a racist neighborhood.

"No," she replied. "We have all kinds of races in this neighborhood."

"Here it goes, buddy. You hear the shotgun clicking and I'm going," said Horn on to a 911 dispatcher last Wednesday.

During the 6 minute call, Horn was warned by the dispatcher not to go outside.

"Don't, don't , don't go out the door. Mr. Horn? Mr. Horn?" said the dispatcher.

"(Expletive), they just stole something," said Horn to the dispatcher. "I'm sorry. I ain't gonna let them get away with this. They got a bag of something. I'm doing it."

"Move, you're dead," Horn, who took the phone outside with him, could be heard saying to the suspects.

Then three gunshots could be heard.

While is sounds like Horn went outside to see the two men, his attorney insists he just wanted to see where they were. Horn, he says, opened his front door and saw them on his property just 15 feet away, got scared and fired in self defense.

"The events of that day will weigh on me for the rest of my life," said Horn's attorney, reading his client's statement. "My thoughts go out to the loved ones of the deceased."

Miguel de Jesus was on parole at the time he was killed. Diego Ortiz was arrested for possession of marijuana back in 1995, but that charge was dismissed. Horn was not available for comment Monday.

The investigation continues (Copyright © 2007, KTRK-TV)

Oops, looks like they were pretty bad at being criminals. Should have chosen another profession.

There's not much else more annoying than everything turning into a racial issue. It couldn't possibly be that some idiot got what he deserved for being just that. An idiot. No, it's because he's hispanic or black. Always with the fucking race card. LULAC and Quanell X (pretty much the biggest racist ever) & the New Black Panthers can both go fuck themselves. It's not race god damn it, it's the simple fact that sometimes people with darker skin than white are fucking stupid. You know, just like white people are sometimes.

Instead of bitching about racial injustices, how about we aim for the improvement of communities. Maybe a public outcry to your own followers about the need to stop destroying their own cultures with piss poor behavior instead of going for the ever so classic race card.

Racism will always exist. I mean, the people who constantly call it out are the biggest profiling racists of them all. Funny how that works.

[ =Lucky= ] | 11:33 AM |

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